Tania Wright
I would like to take a moment and reflect on how Domino Service Dogs has affected my daily living in the past 6 months.
Before Domino I was on a downhill slide to becoming very isolated from the outside world. I have many issues that intertwine that make my disability. Through the years they have become so intense that I have withdrawn immensely from the outside world. To make a last attempt my roommate and I decided to find a puppy in hope of raising it to become a service dog for me to help and hopefully I can return to the outside world.
On September 11, 2015 We found the perfect puppy. A lab/boxer mix 8-week old baby girl who we later named Maya. Immediately I fell in love with this puppy and I knew I needed to find somewhere I could trust and somewhere that could help me with training and my special needs. Within two weeks Maya and I started training at Domino Service Dogs. Yes, she was only 10-weeks old! I must admit at first it was very overwhelming and challenging, and I was up for it. It was something to look forward to. I had lost that feeling for a very long time.
With training every week and outings twice a month it can be overwhelming very easily. The team at Domino has a heart of gold. They have seen me withdrawn, cry, breakdown, almost give up and feel helpless and yet they are still there to help and guide me through the event of what needs to be learned and gain confidence that myself and Maya can work through whatever is going on. I have stretched my boundaries to open my world so that Maya has a chance to be a wonderful service dog for me and in return I am slowly becoming more open to the outside world. I have pushed myself sometimes to the limit and succeeded. Baby steps are now becoming more and more often and a smile is becoming a greater part of my life.
I realized that this month is the sixth month that Maya and I have been with Domino. I still struggle with self-doubt and negative thinking. For an example, we have an outing coming up and I of course think worst case scenario first. Then before I realized it I actually had a positive thought come through that I can do this because of the training I have had.
I know for a fact that Domino has affected my life not just for the training, but for that fact that I am actually opening my world back up again. I am starting to smile more and become more of who I used to be. I still struggle and have issues but who doesn’t? I want to thank Domino for the last six months, it has changed my life for the better and I can’t wait to see where I am in the next six months!
I TRULY thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Kimberly Henry
Domino Service Dogs had not only changed my life, but it saved my life. It gave me my independence back. From day one, Barbara and her team of experts has helped me train my puppy to not only be my friend, but also a lifeline. Being students of DSD has also given me friendships with my fellow classmates. I’m no longer alone and I am no longer trapped in my home. This experience has changed me forever.
Domino Service Dogs – Best In Field
Domino Service Dogs is the best in their field! Standing out as a leader and role model for properly trained service dogs – ethically providing working dogs and educating the public and business owners in an industry that is currently ripe with imitations. Truly delivering empowerment to people – 4 paws at at time! Bravo Domino!
Tracy Snider – community member

Taylor Otero
Aspen found me at a shelter in El Paso, Texas a little over two years ago and has since forever changed my life. In our time of training from an 8-month-old to an almost 3-year-old. I’ll admit that there were times I doubted we’d make it as a team and she’d need a career change. All of a sudden though, I quit focusing on things like that, and I noticed us start to come together as a team. We are now more in tune than we have ever been with each other. Barbara and the whole Domino Service Dog team is partly to thank for that.
With Domino Service Dog outings, Aspen and I get to interact appropriately with other service dog teams while working. Since we started going to the outings Aspen has gotten a lot better at working around other dogs and not minding them as much. We are also working on some new tasks currently that we have never learned, but I have found I am needing. I appreciate everyone on the DSD team for helping us learn our new tasks together, and sticking with us even when we get frustrated or confused about things as we go.
It has been a great experience, and an awesome journey. Aspen and I are excited everyday we have class because it is the highlight to our day. We are excited to continue on our journey together with DSD there to help!

Randy Walker
Aunt Lucy’s Dog Training
I love this organization! It is satisfying to see a group of people genuinely care about their clients. The clients become family throughout the program, and many are sad to learn they won’t be coming back regularly once they graduate. The bonds created, the dogs that are trained, and the lives that are touched due to Domino Service Dogs is reaffirmimg that good still exists in this world!

Tania Wright
I love the fact that not only does DSD train by using positive reinforcement with the service dogs in training, they keep the training sessions and atmosphere a safe place for whatever happens stays in the classroom. I am a very private person with a disability it’s very comforting to know I’m not going to be judged or talked about with other clients. DSD is a wonderful non-profit organization that helped me regain my independence.

Julie Carlson
I have had Maislyn, my service dog, for over seven years. We trained together through Domino Service Dogs. She has been my constant companion and best friend from day one. She helps with mobility, picks up dropped items, helps with laundry along with many other things. I Don’t know what I would do without her!
Sara Margulies, KPA
Domino has been a pleasure to work with. The mission they’re working on brings real value to the disability community here in Denver and beyond. The freedom they give people with their dogs is immeasurable.